Timber Cruise Excel Programs Download 4,9/5 3500 reviews

To download the free software, click the button below: Minnesota Logger Education Program - 1111 Cloquet Ave; Suite 7 - Cloquet MN 55720 Phone (218) 879-5633 - Fax (218) 879-5261. Before the cruise, you will need to establish where your points are to be placed. Make a map of the property or you can use aerial photos. From a known starting point that can be found on the ground, start to run north-south and east-west lines in a grid at every 200 ft. For a 10% sample. Where the lines intersect is where the point samples are.

In 2010, SilviaTerra co-founder Zack Parisa was a Yale School of Forestry graduate student tasked with developing management plans for mixed hardwood forests in the Caucasus. In that context, limited forest inventory information was available, and obtaining an inventory by traditional means was prohibitively expensive.Zack’s innovation - which now underpins our patented technology - was to take a limited number of traditional ground plots and combine this data in a novel way with information derived from commercially available (and reasonably priced) remotely-sensed data. The result was a less expensive inventory with equivalent or better accuracy than traditional methods.

Act 5 study guide answers macbeth. Over the next several years, Zack teamed up with fellow co-founder Max Nova to commercialize the technology, and it's been deployed since then across millions of acres of US forests.Along the way, we contracted out a lot of cruises - and started getting faxes of tally-sheets back. Organizing and cleaning the incoming data was a mess! We wanted a fast, easy, and cost-efficient way to send out complete cruise information and get clean data back - with no email coordination, expensive hardware, or cumbersome software.So we built, our web cruising platform and free companion app. Today, thousands of cruisers at the nation's biggest forestry organizations use Plot Hound to cruise hundreds of thousands of plots each year.We built SilviaTerra to give foresters the data they need to apply their expertise to the landscape.